Tuesday, September 09, 2008

On Nov. 4, Remember OK City

Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic writes, in an op-ed in the NY Times entitled "On Nov.4, Remember 9/11" that "The next president must do one thing, and one thing only, if he is to be judged a success: He must prevent Al Qaeda, or a Qaeda imitator, from gaining control of a nuclear device and detonating it in America. " He goes on to state that "We live, seven years after 9/11, in the age of the super-empowered, eschatologically minded terrorist. He is motivated by revolutionary and theological concerns rather than by nationalist grievances, and he is adept at manipulating technology against its Western innovators."

I would suggest to the rather myopic Mr. Goldberg that the potential terrorists are much much closer, just as fanatical, and ESPECIALLY eschatological. They too have struck on our shores, and the devastation of that event is still being felt.

The posting and the listing below discusses the real threat from religious fanatics in this country.

The gretest danger on November 4 is that we could elect to the Vice Presidency, a fundamentalist megalomaniac in an A-line skirt and cute little librarian glasses. She could, quite easily, and quite rapidly, move to a position where her finger is on the trigger of our entire nuclear arsenal and her religious, God-delivered orders to start The Final Battle have already been given.

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