Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Exploding head... Watch for shrapnel

NPR has decided that the process of considering all things means giving people who claim to be things that they are not the attention they might deserve if reasonable people accepted their claims of authenticity.

Weighing in on the "debate" about evolution and "intelligent" design is R. Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisvile, KY a school that in days gone by was considered the "liberal" outpost of Southern Baptist life.

NPR has decided to give "dr." Mohler the opportunity to express an equal time type of opinion on the "evangelical baptist" perspective regarding the issue.

There are so many things wrong with this, before we even get to the question of whether the term"evangelical baptist" is redundant or an oxymoron, that I just want to run naked and screaming down St. Charles Avenue. Actually, it's so bleeding hot that I really wouldn't mind running naked (and screaming) down St. Charles Avenue, so I probably shouldn't go blaming that proclivity on poor "dr." Mohler.

In any case... there will be more forthcoming on this matter, as my recent move back to the south has, for some strange reason, pushed me back into the arms of my old southern baptist tradition, but with a new and absolutely unrelenting perspective on what that all means... and doesn't mean.

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