Thursday, August 18, 2005

Head coming back together... need coffee

In the light of morning, and a reading of a more reasoned perspective on the same NPR website, I am feeling a little bit better about the fact that the people who have made an idiot like Al Mohler the "president" of a formerly legitimate educational institution do not have control of all religious perspective (or even Christian perspective) in U.S. The piece by Dr. Katharyn Jefferts Schori is a well reasoned and well explained example on what is actually possible to believe as a thinking person with christian proclivities in a contemporary society.

Another of the accompanying articles, this one by Rabbi Brad Hirschfield does a marvelous job of explaining the possibility of holding more than one position simultaneously. Rabbi Hirschfield even addresses the issue of why the debate raises so many hackles on both side (mine for instance). His statement that, "The increasingly nasty debate between believers in Darwinian evolution and advocates for intelligent design theory hinges on the fact that most creationists relate to evolutionists as if they have no soul, and most evolutionists relate to the creationists as if they have no brain," is pretty accurate. He then suggests that a better perspective would be to acknowledge that we all have both.

Well... you're a better man than I am Gunga Din. I'd really like to be that broad minded, but when someone like the good "dr." Mohler abdicates the use of his brain in such a clear manner it is my perspective that, like any muscle consistently ignored, his brain has likely turned to mush.

For another example of the phenomenon all one needs to do is look toward Crawford this week to find a man who may have allowed BOTH his brain and his soul to atrophy. Perhaps we just need to wait for him to fall off his bike... again.

All hope is not quite lost.

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