Monday, March 10, 2008

Y'all Know The Okie Doke?

Okay... this blog has been quiet for more than six months. I think the reason for that is that I was so completely blown away by the stupidity of the early debates that I was left speechless for quite some time. Quite frankly (per se) I also had some personal issues that arose and they have, to a certain extent, distracted me from the political and the religious issues that this blog is intended to be about.

But we're comin' down to it now, and the fact of the matter is that I am convinced that this is the most important election of my lifetime.

It is important for three reasons:

1) We are in the midst of a war that should have never been begun, and which would never have to have been begun if the very people who advocated it had not set up the son of a bitch we were fighting in the first place. That's called "blow back" and we're experiencing it in Iraq and we are about to experience it in Iran and for the same reasons.

THAT is a legacy that began the year before I was born!

2) In the midst of all of this, both John McCain and Hillary Clinton represent the same old school, status quo, corporate funded, ego driven politics that have dominated this country for my entire life.

3) There is only one man who is capable of changing things and truly making a difference in the way we operate in this country and in the world. That man is Barack Obama. Bill (who at one time I admired completely) and Hillary are doing their best to pretend like the person who can CHANGE America is Hillary... They are WRONG and they are lying.

There is one way out of this mess and the man who can lead us there is Barack Obama.

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